Across A Table

Across a Table

Two soulmates meet
Across a linen-covered table
Both with heads bowed low
In reverential worship.

What once was prayer
Is antiquated now.
The light of candle yields to screen
The touch of hand, to keyboard now.

Eyes of warm affection
Now glisten with icons bright
And attentions of loving kindness
Are lost to another’s place.

Moments lost, in which
To share, to dream, to love.
Swept away, in thoughtless
Acts of monotony.

Two soul mates meet
Across a linen-covered table now
Eye to eye
Speaking wordless thoughts.

Of memories dear,
Of tears and laughter;
And light now glows
From love endeared.

June 2018

October Musings

October arrives and brings its unique joys… the fervor of football, homemade chili laced with freshly diced onions, chilly mornings accompanied by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, crisp bites from a juicy McIntosh, the crunch beneath the feet from freshly fallen leaves, a Silvan palette of bright yellows, crimson reds, and tawny browns. Squirrels busily gather their acorns preparing for the approaching winter; while avian visitors pass through on their way to warmer nesting homes. Yet it remains a restful time, a time of pause, to reflect upon the events of Summer and anticipate and prepare for Winter’s uncertainties.

     It is a reminder to me that some of the best things in life are the most simple ones that really do not cost very much. That is to say the happiest people are those who are satisfied with what they already have.