The Remnant


The Remnant

There are days when I find myself disillusioned with the current state and trajectory of our country. I see an abandonment from the principles which have brought our country to a measure of peace and prosperity. An abandonment which will ultimately lead to our demise.

Those are the days in which I need to remind myself of the remnant that God preserved amongst the Israelites during the Old Testament times. Despite their isolation, their oppression, and even their captivity, God preserved the faithful. He preserved those who held true to their principles of human conduct. Those principles which dealt with acknowledgement of His presence and authority and a commitment to the principles of righteous human conduct.

There is some comfort in knowing that He continues to preserve His remnant despite the devolution of our times.

There are still those who honor the Lord from whom all blessings flow and who has established an enduring moral order of permanent objective truths.

There are still those who believe in first principles, as absolute, objective, universal truths. Those who refuse to pander to the whims of human-driven cultural attitudes. Those who support honesty and oppose deceitful manipulation of thought and concepts.

There are still those who practice civility in speech and conduct. Those who are courteous and polite. Those who respect others without accommodating to or endorsing immoral attitudes or behaviors.

There are still those who acknowledge and respect the value of law and order as long as it is established and maintained fairly and without oppression or needless violence. They demand that justice be delivered fairly and equally under the laws established by our country.

There are still those who respect and honor the value of work and a job well done. They recognize the value of self-esteem brought to each individual through honest endeavors; and support giving each individual the opportunities to do so regardless of class or status.

There are still those who believe that our government is “for the people,” not to “manage” the people.

There are still those who believe there is still room for mercy and forgiveness in human conduct…and for empathy, benevolence, and sacrifice to be practiced in the events of each day.

There are still those who practice kindness and generosity towards others.

There are still those who practice gratitude, even in the most difficult of days, as a healing balm upon the wounds of our minds, and hearts, and souls.

These are God’s precepts. Not the contrivances of humankind. They are offered to us by God that we might live honest and purposeful lives despite the raging impurity of our culture.

Be a part of the remnant. Hold true to your values and convictions and honor the principles set before us by the Lord. You are not alone. Be a part of the Lord’s remnant. Hold fast.